Course: Assam Government Job exam Grade IV


Text lesson


Question 1: Choose the correct synonym for the word “Luminous.”


A. Gloomy

B. Shiny

C. Dark

D. Dull

Answer: B. Shiny

Explanation: “Luminous” refers to something full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark. Therefore, “Shiny” is the most appropriate synonym.


Question 2: Select the antonym of “Ephemeral.”


A. Transient

B. Fleeting

C. Perpetual

D. Brief

Answer: C. Perpetual

Explanation: “Ephemeral” means lasting for a very short time. The antonym is “Perpetual,” which means never ending or changing.


Question 3: Identify the correct spelling.


A. Exagerate

B. Exaggerate

C. Exaggerrate

D. Exageratte

Answer: B. Exaggerate

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Exaggerate,” which means to represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.


Question 4: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The judge found her actions to be ________ of the law.”


A. Compliant

B. In violation

C. Harmonious

D. Respectful

Answer: B. In violation

Explanation: The sentence implies that her actions were against the law, so “In violation” fits best in this context.


Question 5: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “If I ________ enough money, I would buy a new car.”


A. Have

B. Had

C. Has

D. Having

Answer: B. Had

Explanation: This sentence is in the subjunctive mood, used for situations that are hypothetical. The correct form of the verb here is “Had.”


Question 6: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Ascend.”


A. Rise

B. Soar

C. Descend

D. Climb

Answer: C. Descend

Explanation: “Ascend” means to go up or climb. The opposite action is to “Descend,” which means to go down.


Question 7: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. The, children who were playing in the park, went home.

B. The children, who were playing in the park, went home.

C. The children who were playing in the park went home.

D. The children who, were playing in the park, went home.

Answer: B. The children, who were playing in the park, went home.

Explanation: This sentence correctly uses commas to set off the nonrestrictive clause “who were playing in the park.”


Question 8: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Immediately

B. Occurrence

C. Priviledge

D. Judgment

Answer: C. Priviledge

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Privilege.”


Question 9: Select the correct plural form of the noun “Oasis.”


A. Oasis

B. Oasises

C. Oases

D. Oasis’

Answer: C. Oases

Explanation: The plural form of “Oasis” is “Oases.”


Question 10: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “She ________ a book when I saw her.”


A. Read

B. Reads

C. Reading

D. Was reading

Answer: D. Was reading

Explanation: The sentence describes an action that was ongoing at a specific moment in the past, so “Was reading” is the correct form. 


Question 11: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Acommodate

B. Accommodate

C. Accomodate

D. Acomodate

Answer: B. Accommodate

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Accommodate,” which means to provide lodging or sufficient space for.


Question 12: Choose the synonym for the word “Benevolent.”


A. Malevolent

B. Kind

C. Harsh

D. Hostile

Answer: B. Kind

Explanation: “Benevolent” means well-meaning and kindly. Thus, “Kind” is the most appropriate synonym.


Question 13: Select the antonym of “Virtue.”


A. Morality

B. Vice

C. Integrity

D. Honesty

Answer: B. Vice

Explanation: “Virtue” refers to behavior showing high moral standards. Its antonym is “Vice,” which means immoral or wicked behavior.


Question 14: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “Her ___________ in painting is quite remarkable.”


A. Proficiency

B. Negligence

C. Apathy

D. Incompetence

Answer: A. Proficiency

Explanation: “Proficiency” means a high degree of skill or expertise. In this context, it correctly indicates her remarkable skill in painting.


Question 15: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Every one of the students ___________ completed the assignment.”


A. Have

B. Has

C. Had

D. Having

Answer: B. Has

Explanation: “Every one” is singular, so the singular verb “Has” should be used.


Question 16: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Turbulent.”


A. Stormy

B. Calm

C. Agitated

D. Chaotic

Answer: B. Calm

Explanation: “Turbulent” means characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion. The opposite of this is “Calm,” meaning peaceful, tranquil.


Question 17: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. She said, “I am going to the store.”

B. She said “I am going to the store”.

C. She said, “I am going to the store”.

D. She said “I am going to the store.”

Answer: A. She said, “I am going to the store.”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the comma outside the quotation marks and ends the sentence within the quotation marks.


Question 18: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Irresistible

B. Occassion

C. Threshold

D. Parallel

Answer: B. Occassion

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Occasion.”


Question 19: Select the correct plural form of the word “Crisis.”


A. Crisis’

B. Crisises

C. Crises

D. Crisis

Answer: C. Crises

Explanation: The plural form of “Crisis” is “Crises.”


Question 20: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Neither the manager nor his employees ___________ in the office today.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: B. Are

Explanation: When “neither” is used with “nor,” the verb should agree with the closer subject, which in this case is “employees,” a plural noun. Therefore, “Are” is the correct form.


Question 21: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Embarrasment

B. Embarassment

C. Embarrassment

D. Embarasment

Answer: C. Embarrassment

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Embarrassment,” which refers to a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.


Question 22: Choose the synonym for the word “Copious.”


A. Sparse

B. Ample

C. Meager

D. Limited

Answer: B. Ample

Explanation: “Copious” means abundant in supply or quantity. Therefore, “Ample” is the most suitable synonym as it also means plentiful or enough.


Question 23: Select the antonym of “Ascertain.”


A. Confirm

B. Determine

C. Doubt

D. Verify

Answer: C. Doubt

Explanation: “Ascertain” means to find out or learn with certainty. The antonym is “Doubt,” which means to feel uncertain about.


Question 24: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The jury reached a ________ verdict.”


A. Unanimous

B. Divided

C. Controversial

D. Conflicting

Answer: A. Unanimous

Explanation: “Unanimous” means fully in agreement, which is appropriate in the context of a jury reaching a collective and agreed-upon verdict.


Question 25: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “None of the players ___________ happy with the decision.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: B. Are

Explanation: “None” can be singular or plural depending on the noun it refers to. Here, it refers to “players,” which is plural, so “Are” is the correct form.


Question 26: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Benevolent.”


A. Kind

B. Generous

C. Malevolent

D. Compassionate

Answer: C. Malevolent

Explanation: “Benevolent” means well-meaning and kindly. The opposite is “Malevolent,” which means having or showing a wish to do evil to others.


Question 27: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “What time will you be home?” asked Mom.

B. “What time will you be home? asked Mom”.

C. “What time will you be home”, asked Mom.

D. “What time will you be home?” asked Mom.

Answer: A. “What time will you be home?” asked Mom.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the question mark inside the quotation marks and the period outside.


Question 28: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Acquaintance

B. Supersede

C. Buisness

D. Leisure

Answer: C. Buisness

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Business.”


Question 29: Select the correct plural form of the word “Phenomenon.”


A. Phenomenons

B. Phenomena

C. Phenomenas

D. Phenomenon

Answer: B. Phenomena

Explanation: The plural form of “Phenomenon” is “Phenomena.”


Question 30: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Each of the team members ___________ his own uniform.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Had

D. Having

Answer: A. Has

Explanation: “Each” is singular, so the singular verb “Has” should be used.


Question 31: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Suprise

B. Surprise

C. Surprize

D. Surprice

Answer: B. Surprise

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Surprise,” which means an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing.


Question 32: Choose the synonym for the word “Rapid.”


A. Slow

B. Quick

C. Steady

D. Gradual

Answer: B. Quick

Explanation: “Rapid” means happening in a short time or at a great rate. Therefore, “Quick” is the most suitable synonym as it also means moving fast or done in a short time.


Question 33: Select the antonym of “Lethargic.”


A. Energetic

B. Sluggish

C. Drowsy

D. Lazy

Answer: A. Energetic

Explanation: “Lethargic” means sluggish and apathetic. The antonym is “Energetic,” which means full of energy and enthusiasm.


Question 34: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “His _________ attitude made him popular among his peers.”


A. Garrulous

B. Gregarious

C. Grumpy

D. Grouchy

Answer: B. Gregarious

Explanation: “Gregarious” means fond of company; sociable, which fits the context of him being popular among peers.


Question 35: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “One of the books __________ missing.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: When “one of” is used, the verb should agree with the singular noun that follows, so “Is” is the correct form.


Question 36: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Harmony.”


A. Agreement

B. Discord

C. Concord

D. Unity

Answer: B. Discord

Explanation: “Harmony” refers to a state of peacefulness and agreement. The opposite is “Discord,” meaning disagreement or strife.


Question 37: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. I’m reading a book called “The Great Adventure.”

B. I’m reading a book called “The Great Adventure”.

C. I’m reading a book, called “The Great Adventure.”

D. I’m reading a book called, “The Great Adventure”.

Answer: A. I’m reading a book called “The Great Adventure.”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the period inside the quotation marks.


Question 38: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Miscellaneous

B. Privilege

C. Vacumm

D. Threshold

Answer: C. Vacumm

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Vacuum.”


Question 39: Select the correct plural form of the word “Analysis.”


A. Analysiss

B. Analysises

C. Analyses

D. Analysis

Answer: C. Analyses

Explanation: The plural form of “Analysis” is “Analyses.”


Question 40: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Neither the teacher nor the students ___________ in the classroom.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: B. Are

Explanation: When “neither” is used with “nor,” the verb should agree with the closer subject, which in this case is “students,” a plural noun. Therefore, “Are” is the correct form.


Question 41: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Maintainance

B. Maintenance

C. Maintainence

D. Mantenance

Answer: B. Maintenance

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Maintenance,” which refers to the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being maintained.


Question 42: Choose the synonym for the word “Concise.”


A. Wordy

B. Brief

C. Redundant

D. Lengthy

Answer: B. Brief

Explanation: “Concise” means giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive. Therefore, “Brief” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 43: Select the antonym of “Prosperous.”


A. Wealthy

B. Successful

C. Impoverished

D. Flourishing

Answer: C. Impoverished

Explanation: “Prosperous” means successful in material terms; flourishing financially. The antonym is “Impoverished,” which means poor or without sufficient resources.


Question 44: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “She exhibited a _________ understanding of the subject.”


A. Superficial

B. Profound

C. Ignorant

D. Negligible

Answer: B. Profound

Explanation: “Profound” means very great or intense, especially in terms of understanding or knowledge. It fits appropriately in this context.


Question 45: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Either the manager or his assistants ___________ the meeting.”


A. Is attending

B. Are attending

C. Was attending

D. Were attending

Answer: B. Are attending

Explanation: When “either” is used with “or,” the verb should agree with the closer subject, which in this case is “assistants,” a plural noun. Therefore, “Are attending” is the correct form.


Question 46: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Optimistic.”


A. Hopeful

B. Positive

C. Pessimistic

D. Confident

Answer: C. Pessimistic

Explanation: “Optimistic” means hopeful and confident about the future. The opposite is “Pessimistic,” which means tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.


Question 47: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “Where are you going?” she asked.

B. “Where are you going”, she asked.

C. “Where are you going”? she asked.

D. “Where are you going” she asked.

Answer: A. “Where are you going?” she asked.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the question mark inside the quotation marks and does not add an additional punctuation mark after “asked.”


Question 48: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Calendar

B. Definite

C. Judgement

D. Recommend

Answer: C. Judgement

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Judgment.”


Question 49: Select the correct plural form of the word “Syllabus.”


A. Syllabus

B. Syllabusses

C. Syllabuses

D. Syllabi

Answer: D. Syllabi

Explanation: The plural form of “Syllabus” is “Syllabi.”


Question 50: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The committee ___________ its decision tomorrow.”


A. Announce

B. Announces

C. Announced

D. Will announce

Answer: D. Will announce

Explanation: The sentence is talking about a future event. Therefore, “Will announce” is the correct form.


Question 51: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Preceed

B. Proceed

C. Procede

D. Praceed

Answer: B. Proceed

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Proceed,” which means to begin or continue a course of action.


Question 52: Choose the synonym for the word “Elucidate.”


A. Obscure

B. Clarify

C. Complicate

D. Conceal

Answer: B. Clarify

Explanation: “Elucidate” means to make something clear; explain. Therefore, “Clarify” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 53: Select the antonym of “Reticent.”


A. Reserved

B. Outspoken

C. Shy

D. Introverted

Answer: B. Outspoken

Explanation: “Reticent” means not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily. The antonym is “Outspoken,” which means frank in stating one’s opinions, especially if they are critical or controversial.


Question 54: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The athlete’s ___________ performance earned him a gold medal.”


A. Mediocre

B. Stellar

C. Unremarkable

D. Inferior

Answer: B. Stellar

Explanation: “Stellar” means exceptionally good or outstanding, which fits well in the context of earning a gold medal.


Question 55: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Neither the car nor the truck ___________ available for use.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: When “neither” is used with “nor,” the verb should agree with the closer subject. In this case, “truck” is singular, so “Is” is the correct form.


Question 56: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Mandatory.”


A. Optional

B. Required

C. Compulsory

D. Necessary

Answer: A. Optional

Explanation: “Mandatory” means required by law or rules; compulsory. The opposite is “Optional,” meaning available to be chosen but not obligatory.


Question 57: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. He exclaimed “I can’t believe it’s already Friday!”

B. He exclaimed, “I can’t believe it’s already Friday!”

C. He exclaimed “I can’t believe, it’s already Friday!”

D. He exclaimed, “I can’t believe, it’s already Friday.”

Answer: B. He exclaimed, “I can’t believe it’s already Friday!”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places a comma after “exclaimed” and the exclamation point inside the quotation marks.


Question 58: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Exhilarate

B. Acknowledge

C. Noticeable

D. Preceive

Answer: D. Preceive

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Perceive.”


Question 59: Select the correct plural form of the word “Cactus.”


A. Cactuses

B. Cactus

C. Cacti

D. Cactusses

Answer: C. Cacti

Explanation: The plural form of “Cactus” is “Cacti.”


Question 60: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The data ___________ been analyzed.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: B. Have

Explanation: “Data” is a plural noun, so the plural verb “Have” should be used.


Question 61: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Acquiesce

B. Acquiece

C. Acquiesse

D. Aquiesce

Answer: A. Acquiesce

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Acquiesce,” which means to accept something reluctantly but without protest.


Question 62: Choose the synonym for the word “Austere.”


A. Lavish

B. Severe

C. Gentle

D. Luxurious

Answer: B. Severe

Explanation: “Austere” means severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. Therefore, “Severe” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 63: Select the antonym of “Zenith.”


A. Apex

B. Summit

C. Nadir

D. Pinnacle

Answer: C. Nadir

Explanation: “Zenith” refers to the time at which something is most powerful or successful. The antonym is “Nadir,” which means the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.


Question 64: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The detective’s __________ led to the discovery of new evidence.”


A. Tenacity

B. Indifference

C. Negligence

D. Passivity

Answer: A. Tenacity

Explanation: “Tenacity” means determination or persistence, which fits appropriately in the context of a detective making a discovery.


Question 65: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Every one of the cakes ___________ been eaten.”


A. Have

B. Has

C. Had

D. Having

Answer: B. Has

Explanation: “Every one” is singular, so the singular verb “Has” should be used.


Question 66: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Frivolous.”


A. Serious

B. Insignificant

C. Silly

D. Trivial

Answer: A. Serious

Explanation: “Frivolous” means not having any serious purpose or value. The opposite is “Serious,” which means solemn or thoughtful in character or manner.


Question 67: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “I’m not sure,” he said, “but I’ll check.”

B. “I’m not sure” he said, “but I’ll check.”

C. “I’m not sure,” he said “but I’ll check.”

D. “I’m not sure” he said “but I’ll check.”

Answer: A. “I’m not sure,” he said, “but I’ll check.”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places commas after “sure” and “said,” and correctly punctuates the quoted statement.


Question 68: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Accommodate

B. Harassment

C. Pronounciation

D. Recommend

Answer: C. Pronounciation

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Pronunciation.”


Question 69: Select the correct plural form of the word “Alumnus.”


A. Alumnus

B. Alumnuses

C. Alumni

D. Alumnies

Answer: C. Alumni

Explanation: The plural form of “Alumnus” is “Alumni.”


Question 70: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “One of the players ___________ injured during the match.”


A. Was

B. Were

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: A. Was

Explanation: When “one of” is used, the verb should agree with the singular noun that follows, so “Was” is the correct form.


Question 71: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Recieve

B. Receive

C. Recive

D. Reiceve

Answer: B. Receive

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Receive,” which follows the ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’ rule.


Question 72: Choose the synonym for the word “Voracious.”


A. Insatiable

B. Satisfied

C. Full

D. Content

Answer: A. Insatiable

Explanation: “Voracious” means wanting or devouring great quantities of food or having a very eager approach to an activity. “Insatiable” is a synonym as it also means an inability to be satisfied.


Question 73: Select the antonym of “Comprehensive.”


A. Inclusive

B. Thorough

C. Limited

D. Extensive

Answer: C. Limited

Explanation: “Comprehensive” means complete and including everything that is necessary. The antonym is “Limited,” which means restricted in size, amount, or extent.


Question 74: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “Her _________ demeanor was calming during the crisis.”


A. Agitated

B. Placid

C. Restless

D. Turbulent

Answer: B. Placid

Explanation: “Placid” means not easily upset or excited, making it suitable in the context of having a calming demeanor during a crisis.


Question 75: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Some of the evidence ___________ inconclusive.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: “Some of” can be singular or plural depending on what it refers to. In this case, “evidence” is an uncountable noun and treated as singular, so “Is” is the correct form.


Question 76: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Euphoria.”


A. Joy

B. Despondency

C. Ecstasy

D. Delight

Answer: B. Despondency

Explanation: “Euphoria” is a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness. The opposite is “Despondency,” which means a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.


Question 77: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “We need to leave now!,” she exclaimed.

B. “We need to leave now!” she exclaimed.

C. “We need to leave now”, she exclaimed.

D. “We need to leave now” she exclaimed.

Answer: B. “We need to leave now!” she exclaimed.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the exclamation point inside the quotation marks and does not add an additional punctuation mark after “exclaimed.”


Question 78: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Occasionally

B. Mischievous

C. Unecessary

D. Intelligence

Answer: C. Unecessary

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Unnecessary.”


Question 79: Select the correct plural form of the word “Crisis.”


A. Crisis’

B. Crisises

C. Crises

D. Crisis

Answer: C. Crises

Explanation: The plural form of “Crisis” is “Crises.”


Question 80: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The number of applicants ___________ increased this year.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: A. Has

Explanation: “The number of” is followed by a singular verb. Therefore, “Has” is the correct form.


Question 81: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Millenium

B. Millenium

C. Millennium

D. Milennium

Answer: C. Millennium

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Millennium,” which refers to a period of a thousand years.


Question 82: Choose the synonym for the word “Intrinsic.”


A. External

B. Inherent

C. Superficial

D. Acquired

Answer: B. Inherent

Explanation: “Intrinsic” means belonging naturally or essential. “Inherent” is a synonym as it also means existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.


Question 83: Select the antonym of “Tangible.”


A. Concrete

B. Real

C. Abstract

D. Physical

Answer: C. Abstract

Explanation: “Tangible” refers to something that is perceptible by touch. The antonym is “Abstract,” which means existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.


Question 84: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “His _________ explanation cleared all doubts.”


A. Cryptic

B. Lucid

C. Obscure

D. Vague

Answer: B. Lucid

Explanation: “Lucid” means expressed clearly and easy to understand, making it suitable in the context of clearing doubts.


Question 85: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “None of the answers ___________ correct.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: “None” can be singular or plural depending on the context. Here, it refers to “none” of the singular noun “answers,” so “Is” is the correct form.


Question 86: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Ascend.”


A. Rise

B. Climb

C. Descend

D. Soar

Answer: C. Descend

Explanation: “Ascend” means to go up or climb up. The opposite is “Descend,” which means to move or fall downward.


Question 87: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “Can you believe it,” he asked, “that we won?”

B. “Can you believe it,” he asked “that we won?”

C. “Can you believe it?” he asked, “that we won.”

D. “Can you believe it?” he asked, “that we won?”

Answer: D. “Can you believe it?” he asked, “that we won?”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the question mark inside the first quotation and the second question mark inside the second quotation.


Question 88: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Acommodation

B. Embarrassment

C. Harassment

D. Occasionally

Answer: A. Acommodation

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Accommodation.”


Question 89: Select the correct plural form of the word “Mouse.”


A. Mouses

B. Mouse

C. Mice

D. Meese

Answer: C. Mice

Explanation: The plural form of “Mouse” is “Mice.”


Question 90: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Each of the players ___________ a chance to win.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: A. Has

Explanation: When “each of” is used, the verb should agree with the singular noun that follows, so “Has” is the correct form.


Question 91: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Exceed

B. Excede

C. Exeed

D. Excead

Answer: A. Exceed

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Exceed,” which means to be greater in number or size than a quantity or number.


Question 92: Choose the synonym for the word “Obsolete.”


A. Modern

B. Outdated

C. Recent

D. New

Answer: B. Outdated

Explanation: “Obsolete” means no longer produced or used; out of date. Therefore, “Outdated” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 93: Select the antonym of “Lucid.”


A. Clear

B. Opaque

C. Transparent

D. Vivid

Answer: B. Opaque

Explanation: “Lucid” means expressed clearly and easy to understand. The antonym is “Opaque,” which means not able to be seen through; not transparent.


Question 94: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “Her __________ nature made her a great team leader.”


A. Aloof

B. Charismatic

C. Antisocial

D. Unfriendly

Answer: B. Charismatic

Explanation: “Charismatic” means possessing an extraordinary ability to attract and inspire people, which fits well in the context of being a great team leader.


Question 95: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The team ___________ victory after a tough match.”


A. Celebrate

B. Celebrates

C. Celebrated

D. Celebrating

Answer: C. Celebrated

Explanation: The sentence describes an action that happened in the past. Therefore, the past tense “Celebrated” is the correct form.


Question 96: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Copious.”


A. Abundant

B. Ample

C. Sparse

D. Plentiful

Answer: C. Sparse

Explanation: “Copious” means abundant in supply or quantity. The opposite is “Sparse,” which means thinly dispersed or scattered.


Question 97: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “I’ll call you later”, said John.

B. “I’ll call you later,” said John.

C. “I’ll call you later” said John.

D. “I’ll call you later.” said John.

Answer: B. “I’ll call you later,” said John.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the comma inside the quotation marks and does not add an additional punctuation mark after “said.”


Question 98: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Irresistible

B. Privilege

C. Rhythm

D. Neccessary

Answer: D. Neccessary

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Necessary.”


Question 99: Select the correct plural form of the word “Spectrum.”


A. Spectrum

B. Spectrums

C. Spectra

D. Spectras

Answer: C. Spectra

Explanation: The plural form of “Spectrum” is “Spectra.”


Question 100: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The bouquet of flowers ___________ on the table.”


A. Lies

B. Lay

C. Lays

D. Lying

Answer: A. Lies

Explanation: “Lies” is the correct present tense form of the verb for an inanimate object (the bouquet) being in a position of rest.


Question 101: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Embarass

B. Embarrass

C. Embarras

D. Embaras

Answer: B. Embarrass

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Embarrass,” which means to cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed.


Question 102: Choose the synonym for the word “Trepidation.”


A. Confidence

B. Fear

C. Boldness

D. Assurance

Answer: B. Fear

Explanation: “Trepidation” means a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen. Therefore, “Fear” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 103: Select the antonym of “Plausible.”


A. Believable

B. Credible

C. Unlikely

D. Conceivable

Answer: C. Unlikely

Explanation: “Plausible” means seeming reasonable or probable. The antonym is “Unlikely,” which means not likely to happen or to be true.


Question 104: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “His __________ remarks offended many people.”


A. Tactful

B. Diplomatic

C. Inflammatory

D. Conciliatory

Answer: C. Inflammatory

Explanation: “Inflammatory” means arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings, which fits the context of offending many people.


Question 105: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Either my brother or my sisters ___________ the car keys.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: B. Have

Explanation: When “either” is used with “or,” the verb should agree with the closer subject. In this case, “sisters” is plural, so “Have” is the correct form.


Question 106: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Cursory.”


A. Brief

B. Superficial

C. Thorough

D. Quick

Answer: C. Thorough

Explanation: “Cursory” means hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed. The opposite is “Thorough,” which means performed or done with great care and completeness.


Question 107: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “What’s the time?” He asked.

B. “What’s the time”? He asked.

C. “What’s the time,” he asked?

D. “What’s the time?” he asked.

Answer: D. “What’s the time?” he asked.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the question mark inside the quotation marks and uses a lowercase “h” for “he.”


Question 108: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Believe

B. Receive

C. Deceive

D. Percieve

Answer: D. Percieve

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Perceive.”


Question 109: Select the correct plural form of the word “Thesis.”


A. Thesises

B. Thesises

C. Theses

D. Thesis

Answer: C. Theses

Explanation: The plural form of “Thesis” is “Theses.”


Question 110: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “One of the students ___________ a question.”


A. Ask

B. Asks

C. Asked

D. Asking

Answer: B. Asks

Explanation: When “one of” is used, the verb should agree with the singular noun that follows, so “Asks” is the correct form.


Question 111: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Supercede

B. Supersede

C. Supersed

D. Superceed

Answer: B. Supersede

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Supersede,” which means to take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant.


Question 112: Choose the synonym for the word “Sporadic.”


A. Frequent

B. Regular

C. Intermittent

D. Continuous

Answer: C. Intermittent

Explanation: “Sporadic” means occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated. Therefore, “Intermittent” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 113: Select the antonym of “Subtle.”


A. Delicate

B. Nuanced

C. Obvious

D. Refined

Answer: C. Obvious

Explanation: “Subtle” means so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. The antonym is “Obvious,” which means easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident.


Question 114: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The politician’s ___________ promises were quickly forgotten after the election.”


A. Genuine

B. Sincere

C. Hollow

D. Faithful

Answer: C. Hollow

Explanation: “Hollow” means without significance or value, which fits the context of promises being quickly forgotten.


Question 115: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Everyone in the class ___________ completed their project.”


A. Have

B. Has

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: B. Has

Explanation: “Everyone” is singular, so the singular verb “Has” should be used.


Question 116: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Lethargic.”


A. Energetic

B. Sluggish

C. Inactive

D. Slumberous

Answer: A. Energetic

Explanation: “Lethargic” means affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic. The opposite is “Energetic,” which means showing or involving great activity or vitality.


Question 117: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “Let’s eat, Grandma!” yelled the child.

B. “Let’s eat Grandma,” yelled the child.

C. “Let’s eat Grandma!” yelled the child.

D. “Lets eat, Grandma!” yelled the child.

Answer: A. “Let’s eat, Grandma!” yelled the child.

Explanation: This sentence correctly uses a comma to separate the direct address (“Grandma”) and places the exclamation mark inside the quotation marks.


Question 118: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Accompany

B. Acquaintance

C. Acknowlege

D. Acquire

Answer: C. Acknowlege

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Acknowledge.”


Question 119: Select the correct plural form of the word “Oasis.”


A. Oasis

B. Oasises

C. Oases

D. Oasis’

Answer: C. Oases

Explanation: The plural form of “Oasis” is “Oases.”


Question 120: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The jury ___________ in agreement on the verdict.”


A. Was

B. Were

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: A. Was

Explanation: “The jury,” as a collective noun, is treated as singular when the group is acting together, so “Was” is the correct form.


Question 121: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Priviledge

B. Privilege

C. Priveledge

D. Privilage

Answer: B. Privilege

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Privilege,” which refers to a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.


Question 122: Choose the synonym for the word “Egregious.”


A. Minor

B. Outstanding

C. Appalling

D. Insignificant

Answer: C. Appalling

Explanation: “Egregious” means outstandingly bad; shocking. Therefore, “Appalling” is the most suitable synonym as it also means causing shock or dismay.


Question 123: Select the antonym of “Meticulous.”


A. Careful

B. Precise

C. Negligent

D. Thorough

Answer: C. Negligent

Explanation: “Meticulous” means showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. The antonym is “Negligent,” which means failing to take proper care over something.


Question 124: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The experiment’s ___________ results led to its widespread acceptance.”


A. Flawed

B. Inconclusive

C. Conclusive

D. Unreliable

Answer: C. Conclusive

Explanation: “Conclusive” means (of evidence or argument) serving to prove a case; decisive or convincing, fitting the context of leading to acceptance of the experiment.


Question 125: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The bouquet of roses ___________ beautifully arranged.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: The subject “bouquet” is singular, so the singular verb “Is” should be used.


Question 126: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Authentic.”


A. Genuine

B. Fake

C. Original

D. Real

Answer: B. Fake

Explanation: “Authentic” means of undisputed origin; genuine. The opposite is “Fake,” which means not genuine; counterfeit.


Question 127: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “How are you?” asked John.

B. “How are you?” Asked John.

C. “How are you”, asked John.

D. “How are you” asked John?

Answer: A. “How are you?” asked John.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the question mark inside the quotation marks and uses lowercase for “asked.”


Question 128: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Occurrence

B. Embarrassment

C. Harassment

D. Acquaintence

Answer: D. Acquaintence

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Acquaintance.”


Question 129: Select the correct plural form of the word “Curriculum.”


A. Curriculums

B. Curriculum

C. Curricula

D. Curriculums

Answer: C. Curricula

Explanation: The plural form of “Curriculum” is “Curricula.”


Question 130: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Each of the dogs ___________ a special treat.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: A. Has

Explanation: When “each of” is used, the verb should agree with the singular noun that follows, so “Has” is the correct form.


Question 131: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Exhilirate

B. Exhilarate

C. Exhilerate

D. Exhilirate

Answer: B. Exhilarate

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Exhilarate,” which means to make someone feel very happy, animated, or elated.


Question 132: Choose the synonym for the word “Dubious.”


A. Certain

B. Confident

C. Skeptical

D. Sure

Answer: C. Skeptical

Explanation: “Dubious” means hesitating or doubting. Therefore, “Skeptical” is the most suitable synonym as it also means not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.


Question 133: Select the antonym of “Copious.”


A. Abundant

B. Scant

C. Plentiful

D. Ample

Answer: B. Scant

Explanation: “Copious” means abundant in supply or quantity. The antonym is “Scant,” which means barely sufficient or adequate.


Question 134: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The ___________ landscape was breathtaking.”


A. Barren

B. Monotonous

C. Picturesque

D. Dreary

Answer: C. Picturesque

Explanation: “Picturesque” means visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way, which fits the context of a breathtaking landscape.


Question 135: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “A group of us ___________ going to the concert.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: B. Are

Explanation: “A group of us” implies a plural subject, so the plural verb “Are” should be used.


Question 136: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Immutable.”


A. Unchangeable

B. Constant

C. Changeable

D. Permanent

Answer: C. Changeable

Explanation: “Immutable” means unchanging over time or unable to be changed. The opposite is “Changeable,” which means able to be changed.


Question 137: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “I can’t find my keys,” she said, “can you help me?”

B. “I can’t find my keys,” she said “can you help me?”

C. “I can’t find my keys”, she said, “can you help me.”

D. “I can’t find my keys,” she said, “can you help me”.

Answer: A. “I can’t find my keys,” she said, “can you help me?”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the commas and question mark within the quotation marks.


Question 138: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Recommend

B. Necessary

C. Mischievous

D. Jelousy

Answer: D. Jelousy

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Jealousy.”


Question 139: Select the correct plural form of the word “Cactus.”


A. Cactuses

B. Cactus

C. Cacti

D. Cactuses

Answer: C. Cacti

Explanation: The plural form of “Cactus” is “Cacti.”


Question 140: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The series of events ___________ intriguing.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: “Series” is singular, so the singular verb “Is” should be used.


Question 161: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Embarassment

B. Embarrasment

C. Embarrassment

D. Embarrasement

Answer: C. Embarrassment

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Embarrassment,” which refers to a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.


Question 162: Choose the synonym for the word “Ineffable.”


A. Expressible

B. Indescribable

C. Articulate

D. Communicable

Answer: B. Indescribable

Explanation: “Ineffable” means too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Therefore, “Indescribable” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 163: Select the antonym of “Opaque.”


A. Transparent

B. Cloudy

C. Murky

D. Obscure

Answer: A. Transparent

Explanation: “Opaque” means not able to be seen through; not transparent. The antonym is “Transparent,” which means allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen.


Question 164: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The witness’s testimony was ___________ to solving the case.”


A. Irrelevant

B. Integral

C. Inconsequential

D. Trivial

Answer: B. Integral

Explanation: “Integral” means necessary to make a whole complete; essential. This fits the context of contributing significantly to solving the case.


Question 165: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Everybody in the class ___________ excited about the trip.”


A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were

Answer: A. Is

Explanation: “Everybody” is a singular indefinite pronoun, so the singular verb “Is” should be used.


Question 166: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Prosaic.”


A. Ordinary

B. Mundane

C. Imaginative

D. Commonplace

Answer: C. Imaginative

Explanation: “Prosaic” means having the style or diction of prose; lacking poetic beauty. The opposite is “Imaginative,” which means having or showing creativity or inventiveness.


Question 167: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “I don’t understand,” he murmured, “why it happened.”

B. “I don’t understand” he murmured, “why it happened.”

C. “I don’t understand,” he murmured “why it happened.”

D. “I don’t understand” he murmured “why it happened.”

Answer: A. “I don’t understand,” he murmured, “why it happened.”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the commas to separate the spoken parts and the tag.


Question 168: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Definitely

B. Privilege

C. Occurrence

D. Accomidation

Answer: D. Accomidation

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Accommodation.”


Question 169: Select the correct plural form of the word “Syllabus.”


A. Syllabus

B. Syllabuses

C. Syllabi

D. Syllabusses

Answer: C. Syllabi

Explanation: The plural form of “Syllabus” is “Syllabi.”


Question 170: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “A number of solutions ___________ been proposed.”


A. Has

B. Have

C. Is

D. Are

Answer: B. Have

Explanation: “A number of” is followed by a plural noun, so the plural verb “Have” should be used.


Question 171: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Manuever

B. Manouver

C. Maneuver

D. Manoever

Answer: C. Maneuver

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Maneuver,” which means a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.


Question 172: Choose the synonym for the word “Pernicious.”


A. Harmful

B. Beneficial

C. Helpful

D. Innocuous

Answer: A. Harmful

Explanation: “Pernicious” means having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. Therefore, “Harmful” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 173: Select the antonym of “Ascend.”


A. Climb

B. Rise

C. Descend

D. Soar

Answer: C. Descend

Explanation: “Ascend” means to go up or climb. The antonym is “Descend,” which means to go or come down.


Question 174: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “His ___________ in the field of science is well-recognized.”


A. Ineptitude

B. Ignorance

C. Expertise

D. Incompetence

Answer: C. Expertise

Explanation: “Expertise” means expert skill or knowledge in a particular field. This fits the context of being well-recognized in the field of science.


Question 175: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Neither the teacher nor the students ___________ the answer.”


A. Knows

B. Know

C. Knew

D. Knowing

Answer: B. Know

Explanation: When “neither” is used with “nor,” the verb should agree with the closer subject. In this case, “students” is plural, so “Know” is the correct form.


Question 176: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Commence.”


A. Begin

B. Start

C. Conclude

D. Initiate

Answer: C. Conclude

Explanation: “Commence” means to begin or start. The opposite is “Conclude,” which means to bring something to an end.


Question 177: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “This is amazing,” she whispered, “I can’t believe it.”

B. “This is amazing,” she whispered “I can’t believe it.”

C. “This is amazing” she whispered, “I can’t believe it.”

D. “This is amazing” she whispered “I can’t believe it.”

Answer: A. “This is amazing,” she whispered, “I can’t believe it.”

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the commas to separate the spoken parts and the tag.


Question 178: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Accompany

B. Acknowledge

C. Embarrassment

D. Recieve

Answer: D. Recieve

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Receive.”


Question 179: Select the correct plural form of the word “Thesis.”


A. Thesis

B. Thesises

C. Theses

D. Thesiss

Answer: C. Theses

Explanation: The plural form of “Thesis” is “Theses.”


Question 180: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The committee ___________ a decision after much deliberation.”


A. Make

B. Makes

C. Made

D. Making

Answer: C. Made

Explanation: The sentence is in the past tense, indicating that the decision was already made. Therefore, “Made” is the correct form.


Question 181: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Perserverance

B. Perseverance

C. Persiverance

D. Persevarence

Answer: B. Perseverance

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Perseverance,” which means persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.


Question 182: Choose the synonym for the word “Quintessential.”


A. Unusual

B. Typical

C. Extraordinary

D. Average

Answer: B. Typical

Explanation: “Quintessential” means representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. Therefore, “Typical” is the most suitable synonym.


Question 183: Select the antonym of “Gregarious.”


A. Sociable

B. Introverted

C. Friendly

D. Extroverted

Answer: B. Introverted

Explanation: “Gregarious” means fond of company; sociable. The antonym is “Introverted,” which means a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things.


Question 184: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “The ___________ landscape captivated every traveler.”


A. Barren

B. Monotonous

C. Enigmatic

D. Mundane

Answer: C. Enigmatic

Explanation: “Enigmatic” means difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious, fitting the context of a captivating landscape.


Question 185: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The panel of experts ___________ on the topic.”


A. Disagree

B. Disagrees

C. Disagreed

D. Disagreeing

Answer: C. Disagreed

Explanation: The sentence is in the past tense, indicating a completed action. Therefore, “Disagreed” is the correct form.


Question 186: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Prolific.”


A. Fruitful

B. Unproductive

C. Fertile

D. Abundant

Answer: B. Unproductive

Explanation: “Prolific” means producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; highly productive. The opposite is “Unproductive,” which means not producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.


Question 187: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “I can’t believe it” she said in shock.

B. “I can’t believe it”, she said in shock.

C. “I can’t believe it,” she said in shock.

D. “I can’t believe it.” She said in shock.

Answer: C. “I can’t believe it,” she said in shock.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the comma inside the quotation marks and does not add an additional punctuation mark after “said.”


Question 188: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Mischeivous

B. Beneficial

C. Grateful

D. Parallel

Answer: A. Mischeivous

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Mischievous.”


Question 189: Select the correct plural form of the word “Datum.”


A. Datums

B. Datum

C. Data

D. Datas

Answer: C. Data

Explanation: The plural form of “Datum” is “Data.”


Question 190: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The bouquet of flowers ___________ on the table.”


A. Sits

B. Sit

C. Sat

D. Sitting

Answer: A. Sits

Explanation: “Bouquet” is singular, so the singular verb “Sits” should be used.


Question 191: Identify the word with correct spelling.


A. Liasion

B. Liaison

C. Leaison

D. Liason

Answer: B. Liaison

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Liaison,” which means communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations.


Question 192: Choose the synonym for the word “Candid.”


A. Evasive

B. Dishonest

C. Forthright

D. Deceptive

Answer: C. Forthright

Explanation: “Candid” means truthful and straightforward; frank. Therefore, “Forthright” is the most suitable synonym as it also means direct and outspoken.


Question 193: Select the antonym of “Compliant.”


A. Obedient

B. Submissive

C. Defiant

D. Conformable

Answer: C. Defiant

Explanation: “Compliant” means inclined to agree with others or obey rules. The antonym is “Defiant,” which means showing defiance; boldly resistant or challenging.


Question 194: Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: “Her ___________ attitude helped her overcome the obstacles.”


A. Pessimistic

B. Resilient

C. Fragile

D. Submissive

Answer: B. Resilient

Explanation: “Resilient” means able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. This fits the context of overcoming obstacles.


Question 195: Select the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “Each of the books ___________ a different topic.”


A. Cover

B. Covers

C. Covered

D. Covering

Answer: B. Covers

Explanation: “Each” is singular, so the singular verb “Covers” should be used.


Question 196: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Diligent.”


A. Industrious

B. Lazy

C. Assiduous

D. Hardworking

Answer: B. Lazy

Explanation: “Diligent” means having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. The opposite is “Lazy,” which means unwilling to work or use energy.


Question 197: Identify the sentence with correct punctuation.


A. “This is the best day ever!” she exclaimed with joy.

B. “This is the best day ever”, she exclaimed with joy.

C. “This is the best day ever.” She exclaimed with joy.

D. “This is the best day ever”! She exclaimed with joy.

Answer: A. “This is the best day ever!” she exclaimed with joy.

Explanation: This sentence correctly places the exclamation point inside the quotation marks and does not add an additional punctuation mark after “exclaimed.”


Question 198: Choose the word that is incorrectly spelled.


A. Acquaintance

B. Embarrassment

C. Ocassion

D. Perseverance

Answer: C. Ocassion

Explanation: The correct spelling is “Occasion.”


Question 199: Select the correct plural form of the word “Axis.”


A. Axis

B. Axises

C. Axes

D. Axees

Answer: C. Axes

Explanation: The plural form of “Axis” is “Axes.”


Question 200: Choose the correct form of the verb for this sentence: “The team of experts ___________ the problem systematically.”


A. Analyze

B. Analyzes

C. Analyzed

D. Analyzing

Answer: C. Analyzed

Explanation: The sentence is in the past tense, indicating a completed action. Therefore, “Analyzed” is the correct form.


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