Course: Assam Government Job exam Grade IV


Text lesson


Topic: Analogies

Question 1: Tree is to Forest as Book is to?


A) Library

B) Reading

C) Paper

D) School

Answer: A) Library

Explanation: Just like a tree is a part of a forest, a book is a part of a library. This analogy tests the ability to recognize relationships where one element is a component of the other.


Topic: Classification

Question 2: Which of the following does not belong in the group: Apple, Orange, Rose, Banana?


A) Apple

B) Orange

C) Rose

D) Banana

Answer: C) Rose

Explanation: Apple, Orange, and Banana are all fruits, while Rose is a flower. This question tests the ability to classify items based on their properties.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 3: What comes next in the series: 2, 4, 8, 16, ?


A) 24

B) 28

C) 32

D) 36

Answer: C) 32

Explanation: The pattern in the series is each number being multiplied by 2. Hence, the next number is 16 x 2 = 32.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 4: If CAT is coded as 3120, how is DOG coded?


A) 4157

B) 5147

C) 4156

D) 5146

Answer: A) 4157

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet followed by the total number of letters. CAT (3, 1, 20) + 3 letters = 3120. Similarly, DOG (4, 15, 7) + 3 letters = 4157.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 5: If A is the brother of B and B is the son of C, how is A related to C?


A) Nephew

B) Son

C) Cousin

D) Uncle

Answer: B) Son

Explanation: If B is the son of C and A is B’s brother, then A is also C’s son.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 6: If East becomes North, North becomes West, West becomes South, and South becomes East, what would be the opposite of East?


A) North

B) South

C) East

D) West

Answer: B) South

Explanation: As per the given changes, South becomes East. Therefore, the opposite of East (South) is North, which has now become West.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 7: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Doctors, Women, Surgeons?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

Explanation: Some doctors are surgeons, and some surgeons are women, but not all doctors are women or surgeons.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 8: What letter comes three letters after L in the alphabet?


A) O

B) P

C) N

D) M

Answer: A) O

Explanation: The sequence after L is M, N, O. O is the third letter after L.


Topic: Seating Arrangements

Question 9: In a row of children, M is seventh from the left and N is ninth from the right. If they interchange their positions, M becomes fifteenth from the left. How many children are there in the row?


A) 23

B) 24

C) 25

D) 26

Answer: C) 25

Explanation: After M and N interchange positions, M is fifteenth from the left and was originally seventh from the left. Therefore, there are 15 + 9 – 1 = 23 children in between M and N. Adding M and N, the total comes to 25.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 10: If ‘+’ means ‘-‘, ‘-‘ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘÷’, and ‘÷’ means ‘+’, what is the value of 8 – 2 × 4 ÷ 3 + 6?


A) 5

B) 6

C) 7

D) 8

Answer: B) 6

Explanation: Replacing the symbols as per instructions: 8 × 2 ÷ 4 + 3 – 6 = 16 ÷ 4 + 3 – 6 = 4 + 3 – 6 = 7 – 6 = 1.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 11: If two pencils cost 8 cents, then how much do 5 pencils cost?


A) 20 cents

B) 25 cents

C) 40 cents

D) 15 cents

Answer: A) 20 cents

Explanation: If two pencils cost 8 cents, one pencil would cost 4 cents. Therefore, 5 pencils would cost 5 x 4 = 20 cents.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 12: All birds are animals. All animals can swim. Can all birds swim?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) Some of them

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: While all birds are animals, and all animals can swim, it does not necessarily imply that all birds can swim. The conclusion cannot be determined with the given information.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 13: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Teachers, Athletes, Runners?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Three intersecting circles

Explanation: Some teachers might be athletes, some athletes might be runners, but they are not exclusively overlapping.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 14: Pointing to a photograph, a man says, “I have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the photograph?


A) His son

B) His father

C) Himself

D) His brother

Answer: A) His son

Explanation: “My father’s son” refers to the man himself, so the man in the photograph is his son.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 15: A man walks 5 km towards South and then turns to the right. After walking 3 km, he turns to the right again and walks 5 km. Where is he now in relation to his starting point?


A) 3 km West

B) 3 km East

C) 8 km East

D) 8 km West

Answer: B) 3 km East

Explanation: The man ends up 3 km to the East of his starting point after making two right turns and walking the specified distances.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 16: What comes next in the series: J, L, N, P, ?


A) Q

B) R

C) S

D) T

Answer: D) T

Explanation: The series follows a pattern of skipping one letter in the alphabet. Hence, after P, the next letter is T.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 17: If “A” is coded as “Z” and “B” as “Y”, what will “E” be coded as?


A) V

B) W

C) X

D) Y

Answer: A) V

Explanation: The code is a reverse order of the alphabet. “E” is the 5th letter, so its reverse order would be the 22nd letter, which is “V”.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 18: If ‘x’ means ‘+’, ‘+’ means ‘-‘, ‘-‘ means ‘÷’, and ‘÷’ means ‘x’, what is the value of 6 x 3 + 5 – 2 ÷ 1?


A) 14

B) 13

C) 12

D) 11

Answer: C) 12

Explanation: Changing the symbols, 6 + 3 – 5 ÷ 2 x 1 becomes 6 + 3 – 5 / 2 x 1 = 9 – 2.5 = 6.5.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 19: If ROAD is coded as URDG, then how is SWAN coded?






Answer: A) VZDP

Explanation: Each letter in ROAD is moved three places forward in the alphabet to get URDG. Following the same pattern, SWAN becomes VZDP.


Topic: Classification

Question 20: Find the odd one out: Cricket, Football, Chess, Basketball


A) Cricket

B) Football

C) Chess

D) Basketball

Answer: C) Chess

Explanation: Cricket, Football, and Basketball are all outdoor sports involving physical activity, whereas Chess is an indoor board game.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 21: A clock shows 3:15. What is the angle between the hour and the minute hands?


A) 0 degrees

B) 7.5 degrees

C) 15 degrees

D) 22.5 degrees

Answer: B) 7.5 degrees

Explanation: At 3:15, the hour hand is a quarter of the way between 3 and 4. Each hour represents 30 degrees (360 degrees/12 hours). Therefore, the hour hand is 7.5 degrees (30 degrees/4) ahead of the 3 o’clock mark. The minute hand at 15 minutes is at 3, so the angle between them is 7.5 degrees.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 22: Some cats are dogs. All dogs are birds. Are some birds definitely cats?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: While some cats are dogs and all dogs are birds, it cannot be definitively concluded that some birds are cats. The relationship is not necessarily reciprocal.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 23: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Cars, Electric Vehicles, Sedans?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

Explanation: Some cars are electric vehicles, some cars are sedans, and some electric vehicles can be sedans, but they are not exclusively overlapping.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 24: If A is the sister of B and B is the daughter of C, how is A related to C?


A) Daughter

B) Son

C) Niece

D) Cousin

Answer: A) Daughter

Explanation: If A is the sister of B, and B is the daughter of C, then A is also the daughter of C.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 25: John starts from his house, walks 20 meters to the North, then turns left and walks 15 meters. What is the shortest distance from his house?


A) 25 meters

B) 35 meters

C) 20 meters

D) 15 meters

Answer: A) 25 meters

Explanation: John’s final position forms a right-angled triangle with his house. The shortest distance is the hypotenuse, which can be calculated using Pythagoras’ theorem: √(20² + 15²) = √625 = 25 meters.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 26: What comes next in the series: 2, 6, 12, 20, ?


A) 30

B) 28

C) 32

D) 35

Answer: A) 30

Explanation: The series is formed by adding consecutive even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8,…) to the previous term. Hence, after 20, add 10 (20 + 10 = 30).


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 27: If “C” is coded as “3” and “G” as “7”, what will “K” be coded as?


A) 10

B) 11

C) 12

D) 13

Answer: B) 11

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. “C” is the 3rd letter, “G” is the 7th, so “K”, being the 11th letter, is coded as 11.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 28: If ‘5’ means ‘+’, ‘8’ means ‘-‘, ‘6’ means ‘×’, and ‘7’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 8 6 5 7 6 5 8 5?


A) 24

B) 23

C) 21

D) 22

Answer: D) 22

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 8 – 5 ÷ 6 + 5 – 5 + 8. Simplifying, we get 8 – 0.83 + 5 – 5 + 8 = 15.17 ≈ 22.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 29: If LIGHT is coded as GILTH, then how is HEAVY coded?






Answer: B) AEVHY

Explanation: The code rearranges the letters in the pattern: 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 4th. Applying the same to HEAVY, it becomes AEVHY.


Topic: Classification

Question 30: Find the odd one out: Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle


A) Square

B) Rectangle

C) Circle

D) Triangle

Answer: C) Circle


Explanation: Square, Rectangle, and Triangle are all polygons, while a Circle is not a polygon.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 31: In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E, and F. A and B are married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. How is E related to F?


A) Daughter

B) Granddaughter

C) Daughter-in-law

D) Grandmother

Answer: B) Granddaughter

Explanation: Since D is the only son of C and E is D’s sister, E and D are children of C. C is the brother of A, who is married to B. F, being the parent of A and C, makes E the granddaughter of F.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 32: All pencils are pens. No pen is an eraser. Is it correct to say no pencil is an eraser?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since all pencils are pens and no pen is an eraser, it logically follows that no pencil is an eraser.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 33: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Fish, Sharks, Mammals?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: D) Three separate circles

Explanation: Sharks are a type of fish, but mammals are a completely different category. Therefore, they should be represented by separate circles.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 34: Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man said, “Her mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How is the man related to the woman in the photograph?


A) Brother

B) Father

C) Uncle

D) Grandfather

Answer: B) Father

Explanation: The man’s mother’s only daughter would be the man’s sister or himself if he is a female. Since he is a male, it implies that he is talking about himself. Therefore, the woman in the photograph is his daughter.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 35: If Rahul walks 10 meters South from his house, turns left and walks 15 meters, turns left again and walks 20 meters, where is he now with respect to his starting position?


A) 5 meters East

B) 5 meters West

C) 10 meters East

D) 10 meters West

Answer: A) 5 meters East

Explanation: Rahul ends up 5 meters to the East of his starting position after making the specified turns and walking the distances.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 36: What comes next in the series: A, C, E, G, ?


A) H

B) I

C) J

D) K

Answer: D) K

Explanation: The series follows a pattern of skipping one letter in the alphabet (odd-numbered letters). Hence, after G (the 7th letter), the next odd-numbered letter is K (the 11th letter).


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 37: In the word ‘COMPUTER’, if the first and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth letters are interchanged, which letter would be seventh from the right?


A) M

B) U

C) T

D) E

Answer: D) E

Explanation: After the interchange, the word becomes ‘OCMUPETR’. The seventh letter from the right is ‘E’.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 38: If ‘3’ means ‘+’, ‘7’ means ‘-‘, ‘5’ means ‘×’, and ‘2’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 7 5 3 2 5 7 3 2?


A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

Answer: A) 5

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 7 × 3 ÷ 5 – 3 ÷ 2. Simplifying, we get 21 ÷ 5 – 1.5 ≈ 4.2 – 1.5 = 2.7 ≈ 5.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 39: If STAR is coded as TUSB, then how is MOON coded?






Answer: A) NPPO

Explanation: Each letter in STAR is moved one place forward in the alphabet to get TUSB. Following the same pattern, MOON becomes NPPO.


Topic: Classification

Question 40: Find the odd one out: Tulip, Rose, Lotus, Cactus


A) Tulip

B) Rose

C) Lotus

D) Cactus

Answer: D) Cactus

Explanation: Tulip, Rose, and Lotus are flowering plants, while Cactus, though it can bear flowers, is primarily known for its spiky appearance and is a succulent.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 41: Three people say the following statements:

1. Alex: “I am not a knave.”

2. Beth: “Alex is telling the truth.”

3. Chris: “I am a knave.”

If we know that knaves always lie, who is telling the truth?


A) Alex and Beth

B) Alex only

C) Beth and Chris

D) Chris only

Answer: A) Alex and Beth

Explanation: If Alex is telling the truth, then his statement “I am not a knave” is true, making him a truth-teller. Beth’s statement that “Alex is telling the truth” is also true. Chris’s statement “I am a knave” is a contradiction because if it’s true, then he is a liar, which means it cannot be true.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 42: All mangoes are fruits. All fruits are sweet. Can it be concluded that all mangoes are sweet?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since all mangoes are fruits and all fruits are sweet, it logically follows that all mangoes are sweet.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 43: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Actors, Singers, Dancers?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Three intersecting circles

Explanation: Some actors are singers, some singers are dancers, and some actors are dancers, but they are not exclusively overlapping in any category.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 44: A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?


A) Brother

B) Cousin

C) Uncle

D) Nephew

Answer: B) Cousin

Explanation: The brother of her mother would be her uncle, and the son of her uncle is her cousin.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 45: A man facing north turns 90 degrees in the clockwise direction and then 135 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?


A) East

B) West

C) North

D) South

Answer: C) North

Explanation: After turning 90 degrees clockwise, the man faces east. A 135-degree anti-clockwise turn from east brings him to the north.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 46: What comes next in the series: 1, 4, 9, 16, ?


A) 20

B) 25

C) 30

D) 36

Answer: B) 25

Explanation: The series represents the squares of consecutive numbers: 1², 2², 3², 4². The next in the series is 5², which is 25.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 47: What is the 4th letter to the right of the 10th letter from the left in the English alphabet?


A) N

B) O

C) P

D) Q

Answer: B) O

Explanation: The 10th letter from the left is J. Counting 4 letters to the right of J, we get K, L, M, O.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 48: If ‘4’ means ‘+’, ‘9’ means ‘-‘, ‘7’ means ‘×’, and ‘3’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 7 4 9 3 9 4 3?


A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

Answer: C) 15

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 7 + 9 ÷ 9 + 9 ÷ 3. Simplifying, we get 7 + 1 + 3 = 11.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 49: If RAIN is coded as SJBO, then how is SNOW coded?






Answer: A) TOOX

Explanation: Each letter in RAIN is moved one place forward in the alphabet to get SJBO. Following the same pattern, SNOW becomes TOOX.


Topic: Classification

Question 50: Find the odd one out: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Moon


A) Mercury

B) Venus

C) Mars

D) Moon

Answer: D) Moon

Explanation: Mercury, Venus, and Mars are planets, while the Moon is a natural satellite.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 51: A group of friends went to a restaurant. They ordered two burgers, one pizza, and three sodas. The total cost was $26. If the cost of one burger is $6, how much does the pizza cost?


A) $8

B) $10

C) $12

D) $14

Answer: B) $10

Explanation: Two burgers cost 2 x $6 = $12. Subtracting this from the total, $26 – $12 = $14 is left for one pizza and three sodas. Without the cost of sodas, the cost of the pizza can be determined.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 52: Some roses are red. All roses are flowers. Can it be concluded that some flowers are red?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since some roses (which are all flowers) are red, it logically follows that some flowers are red.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 53: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Insects, Butterflies, Bees?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Butterflies and bees are both insects, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing insects.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 54: If P is the father of Q and R is the son of S, S is the wife of P. How is R related to Q?


A) Brother

B) Cousin

C) Uncle

D) Nephew

Answer: A) Brother

Explanation: Since S is the wife of P and R is the son of S, R is also the son of P. Therefore, R and Q are siblings.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 55: If you are facing the sunrise and turn 180 degrees, then turn 90 degrees to your right, which direction are you now facing?


A) East

B) West

C) North

D) South

Answer: C) North

Explanation: Facing the sunrise means facing east. Turning 180 degrees makes you face west, and a 90-degree turn to your right from west faces you north.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 56: What comes next in the series: 3, 8, 15, 24, ?


A) 35

B) 34

C) 33

D) 32

Answer: A) 35

Explanation: The series follows a pattern of adding consecutive odd numbers (5, 7, 9, 11,…). The next number after 24 is 24 + 11 = 35.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 57: If you rearrange the letters in the word ‘CAREFUL’, which of the following words would you not be able to form?






Answer: D) REAL

Explanation: ‘REAL’ requires an ‘L’, which is not present in ‘CAREFUL’.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 58: If ‘6’ means ‘+’, ‘2’ means ‘-‘, ‘3’ means ‘×’, and ‘5’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 3 6 5 2 6 3 2?


A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

Answer: D) 20

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 3 + 5 – 6 × 3 – 2. Simplifying, we get 3 + 0.83 – 18 – 2 ≈ 20.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 59: If DEAR is coded as 5-5-1-18, then how is LOVE coded?


A) 12-15-22-5

B) 12-14-21-4

C) 13-15-23-6

D) 11-14-20-4

Answer: A) 12-15-22-5

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, LOVE is coded as 12(L)-15(O)-22(V)-5(E).


Topic: Classification

Question 60: Find the odd one out: Guitar, Violin, Flute, Piano


A) Guitar

B) Violin

C) Flute

D) Piano

Answer: C) Flute

Explanation: Guitar, Violin, and Piano are string instruments, whereas Flute is a wind instrument.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 61: If a shirt and a pair of pants cost $60 and the shirt costs $10 more than the pants, how much does the shirt cost?


A) $25

B) $30

C) $35

D) $40

Answer: C) $35

Explanation: Let the cost of the pants be x. Then, the shirt costs x + $10. According to the question, x + (x + $10) = $60. Solving this, we get 2x + $10 = $60, leading to x = $25. So, the shirt costs $25 + $10 = $35.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 62: All books are pages. Some pages are black. Is it correct to say some books are black?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: While all books are pages, only some pages being black doesn’t necessarily mean some books are black. The relationship is not directly established.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 63: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Teachers, Engineers, Doctors?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Three intersecting circles

Explanation: Teachers, Engineers, and Doctors are distinct professions, but individuals can belong to more than one category (e.g., a doctor who is also a teacher), hence the intersecting circles.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 64: In a photograph, a man points to a boy and says, “He is the son of my wife’s brother.” How is the boy related to the man?


A) Nephew

B) Son

C) Brother

D) Cousin

Answer: A) Nephew

Explanation: The boy is the son of the man’s wife’s brother, making the boy the man’s nephew.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 65: Sam walks 10 meters east, then turns left and walks 5 meters, then turns right and walks 15 meters. Where is he now with respect to his starting position?


A) 20 meters north-east

B) 10 meters north

C) 15 meters east

D) 25 meters south-east

Answer: C) 15 meters east

Explanation: After the series of movements, Sam ends up 15 meters to the east of his starting position.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 66: What comes next in the series: 2, 6, 18, 54, ?


A) 162

B) 108

C) 216

D) 324

Answer: A) 162

Explanation: The series is a geometric progression with a common ratio of 3. So, the next number is 54 x 3 = 162.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 67: What is the middle letter between H and T in the English alphabet?


A) M

B) N

C) O

D) P

Answer: C) O

Explanation: The middle letter between H (8th letter) and T (20th letter) is O (15th letter).


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 68: If ‘1’ means ‘+’, ‘4’ means ‘-‘, ‘3’ means ‘×’, and ‘6’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 6 4 3 1 4 6 3?


A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

Answer: D) 20

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 6 – 3 + 4 ÷ 6 × 3. Simplifying, we get 3 + 0.6667 × 3 = 5 ≈ 20.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 69: If BLUE is coded as 21412, how is GREEN coded?


A) 718514

B) 718515

C) 817514

D) 817515

Answer: A) 718514

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet, with E being repeated. Thus, GREEN is coded as 718514 (G=7, R=18, E=5, E=5, N=14).


Topic: Classification

Question 70: Find the odd one out: Wheat, Rice, Barley, Cotton


A) Wheat

B) Rice

C) Barley

D) Cotton

Answer: D) Cotton

Explanation: Wheat, Rice, and Barley are cereals, whereas Cotton is a cash crop primarily used for its fiber, not for food.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 71: A man buys a horse for $60 and sells it for $70. Then he buys the horse back for $80 and sells it again for $90. How much total profit did the man make?


A) $10

B) $20

C) $30

D) $40

Answer: B) $20

Explanation: The man made a $10 profit on the first sale and another $10 profit on the second sale, totaling $20.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 72: All apples are fruits. No fruit is cheap. Can it be concluded that no apples are cheap?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since all apples are fruits and no fruit is cheap, it logically follows that no apples are cheap.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 73: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Reptiles, Snakes, Lizards?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Both snakes and lizards are reptiles, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing reptiles.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 74: If X is the brother of Y, and Y is the daughter of Z, how is X related to Z?


A) Son

B) Daughter

C) Nephew

D) Cousin

Answer: A) Son

Explanation: If Y is the daughter of Z, and X is Y’s brother, then X is also a child of Z, making X the son of Z.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 75: Emma starts from her house, walks 5 km south, then turns right and walks 10 km, turns right again and walks 5 km. Where is she now in relation to her starting point?


A) 10 km East

B) 10 km West

C) 10 km North

D) 10 km South

Answer: B) 10 km West

Explanation: After completing her walk, Emma ends up 10 km to the West of her starting point.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 76: What comes next in the series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ?


A) 11

B) 12

C) 13

D) 15

Answer: C) 13

Explanation: The series is the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. Thus, the next number is 5 + 8 = 13.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 77: In the English alphabet, which letter is as far from G as B is from Y?


A) R

B) S

C) T

D) U

Answer: C) T

Explanation: B is 24th from the left and Y is 25th from the right, a gap of 2 letters. Similarly, G is 7th from the left, so the letter 2 places away from it is T (20th).


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 78: If ‘7’ means ‘+’, ‘5’ means ‘-‘, ‘2’ means ‘×’, and ‘8’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 5 2 7 8 2 5 7 8?


A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

Answer: A) 5

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 5 × 7 ÷ 8 × 5 + 7 ÷ 8. Simplifying, we get 35 ÷ 40 ≈ 0.875, which rounds to approximately 5.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 79: If TIME is coded as 20-9-13-5, how is MATE coded?


A) 13-1-20-5

B) 13-1-19-5

C) 12-1-20-5

D) 14-1-19-5

Answer: A) 13-1-20-5

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet, so MATE is coded as 13(M)-1(A)-20(T)-5(E).


Topic: Classification

Question 80: Find the odd one out: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Chlorine


A) Oxygen

B) Hydrogen

C) Nitrogen

D) Chlorine

Answer: D) Chlorine

Explanation: Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen are all diatomic gases under standard conditions, whereas Chlorine is a halogen.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 81: In a certain code language, ‘APPLE’ is written as ’20-16-12-5-5′. What is ‘BANANA’ written as in the same code language?


A) 2-1-14-1-14-1

B) 1-2-13-1-13-1

C) 2-1-13-1-13-1

D) 2-1-14-1-13-1

Answer: A) 2-1-14-1-14-1

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. So, ‘BANANA’ is coded as 2(B)-1(A)-14(N)-1(A)-14(N)-1(A).


Topic: Syllogism

Question 82: Some trees are green. All green things are plants. Is it correct to say some plants are trees?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since some trees are green and all green things are plants, it logically follows that some plants are trees.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 83: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Squares, Rectangles, Quadrilaterals?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: B) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: All squares and rectangles are quadrilaterals, but not all quadrilaterals are squares or rectangles, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing quadrilaterals.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 84: If John’s sister’s father is Tom’s father’s son, how is Tom related to John?


A) Brother

B) Father

C) Uncle

D) Cousin

Answer: B) Father

Explanation: John’s sister’s father is John’s father. Tom’s father’s son can be Tom himself. Therefore, Tom is John’s father.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 85: If a person walks 5 meters towards the north and then turns left to walk 10 meters, what is the final distance from the starting point?


A) 5 meters

B) 10 meters

C) 15 meters

D) Cannot be determined

Answer: C) 15 meters

Explanation: The person’s final position forms a right-angled triangle with the starting point. The hypotenuse of this triangle is the final distance, which is √(5² + 10²) = √125 = 15 meters.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 86: What comes next in the series: 10, 20, 40, 80, ?


A) 160

B) 150

C) 140

D) 130

Answer: A) 160

Explanation: The series is a geometric progression with a common ratio of 2. So, the next number is 80 x 2 = 160.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 87: If the sequence of the alphabets is reversed, which letter will be the 7th to the left of the 10th letter from the right?


A) G

B) H

C) I

D) J

Answer: B) H

Explanation: In the reversed alphabet, the 10th letter from the right is Q. The 7th letter to the left of Q is H.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 88: If ‘8’ means ‘+’, ‘5’ means ‘-‘, ‘3’ means ‘×’, and ‘2’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 3 8 2 5 8 3 2?


A) 6

B) 7

C) 8

D) 9

Answer: A) 6

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 3 + 2 – 8 + 3 ÷ 2. Simplifying, we get 5 – 8 + 1.5 = -2.5 ≈ 6.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 89: If ZEBRA is coded as 2652181, how is TIGER coded?


A) 2097185

B) 2018975

C) 2091897

D) 2019785

Answer: A) 2097185

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet multiplied by itself. Thus, TIGER is coded as 20(T)×20-9(I)×9-7(G)×7-5(E)×5-18(R)×18.


Topic: Classification

Question 90: Find the odd one out: Sodium, Potassium, Helium, Lithium


A) Sodium

B) Potassium

C) Helium

D) Lithium

Answer: C) Helium

Explanation: Sodium, Potassium, and Lithium are all Alkali metals, whereas Helium is a Noble gas.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 91: A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left?


A) 8

B) 9

C) 17

D) None

Answer: B) 9

Explanation: The phrase “all but 9 die” means that 9 sheep remain alive. Therefore, the farmer has 9 sheep left.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 92: All tigers are mammals. Some mammals are carnivores. Is it correct to say some tigers are carnivores?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since all tigers are mammals and some mammals are carnivores, it logically follows that some tigers, being mammals, are carnivores.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 93: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Birds, Eagles, Penguins?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Eagles and Penguins are both birds, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing birds.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 94: If Mike is the brother of Jane, and Jane is the daughter of Clara, how is Mike related to Clara?


A) Son

B) Brother

C) Uncle

D) Nephew

Answer: A) Son

Explanation: If Jane is the daughter of Clara and Mike is Jane’s brother, then Mike is also a child of Clara, making Mike the son of Clara.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 95: Mark starts facing north. He turns 90 degrees right, then 180 degrees left, and then 90 degrees right. Which direction is he facing now?


A) North

B) South

C) East

D) West

Answer: B) South

Explanation: After the sequence of turns, Mark ends up facing south.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 96: What comes next in the series: 3, 5, 9, 17, ?


A) 25

B) 33

C) 27

D) 31

Answer: B) 33

Explanation: The pattern in the series is each number is one more than double the previous number. Therefore, the next number is 17 x 2 + 1 = 34 + 1 = 33.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 97: Which letter is exactly between K and W in the English alphabet?


A) P

B) Q

C) R

D) S

Answer: B) Q

Explanation: K is the 11th letter, and W is the 23rd letter. The middle letter is the 17th, which is Q.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 98: If ‘1’ means ‘+’, ‘2’ means ‘-‘, ‘3’ means ‘×’, and ‘4’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 3 1 4 2 3 1 4?


A) 7

B) 8

C) 9

D) 10

Answer: C) 9

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 3 + 4 – 3 + 4. Simplifying, we get 3 + 1.333 – 3 + 1.333 = 2.666 ≈ 9.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 99: If GRASS is coded as 7181919, how is PLANT coded?


A) 161211141

B) 161211204

C) 16122114

D) 16121420

Answer: A) 161211141

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, PLANT is coded as 16(P)-12(L)-1(A)-14(N)-20(T).


Topic: Classification

Question 100: Find the odd one out: Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Sun


A) Mercury

B) Earth

C) Jupiter

D) Sun

Answer: D) Sun

Explanation: Mercury, Earth, and Jupiter are planets, whereas the Sun is a star.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 101: If it takes five machines five minutes to make five widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?


A) 5 minutes

B) 100 minutes

C) 20 minutes

D) 1 minute

Answer: A) 5 minutes

Explanation: Each machine takes 5 minutes to make one widget. Therefore, 100 machines can simultaneously make 100 widgets in the same 5 minutes.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 102: All cats are animals. Some animals are black. Can it be concluded that some cats are black?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: While all cats are animals, and some animals are black, there’s no direct information to conclude that some cats are black.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 103: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Mammals, Dolphins, Bats?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Both dolphins and bats are mammals, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing mammals.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 104: If Linda’s son is Mike’s father, how is Linda related to Mike?


A) Mother

B) Grandmother

C) Sister

D) Aunt

Answer: B) Grandmother

Explanation: If Linda’s son is Mike’s father, then Linda is Mike’s grandmother.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 105: John walks 15 meters to the west, then turns north and walks 10 meters. He then turns east and walks 5 meters. Where is he in relation to his starting point?


A) 5 meters North and 10 meters West

B) 10 meters North and 10 meters West

C) 10 meters North and 5 meters West

D) 5 meters North and 5 meters West

Answer: C) 10 meters North and 5 meters West

Explanation: John is 10 meters north and 5 meters west of his starting point after making the described movements.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 106: What comes next in the series: 21, 20, 18, 15, ?


A) 11

B) 12

C) 13

D) 14

Answer: A) 11

Explanation: The series decreases by 1, 2, 3, etc. Therefore, the next number is 15 – 4 = 11.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 107: If ‘Z’ is coded as ‘1’, ‘Y’ as ‘2’, and so on, what is ‘V’ coded as?


A) 5

B) 22

C) 23

D) 25

Answer: A) 5

Explanation: In this reverse coding, ‘V’ (the 22nd letter from the front) is coded as 5 (26 – 22 + 1).


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 108: If ‘4’ means ‘+’, ‘5’ means ‘-‘, ‘7’ means ‘×’, and ‘9’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 7 4 9 5 7 4 9?


A) 4

B) 5

C) 6

D) 7

Answer: B) 5

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 7 + 9 – 7 + 9. Simplifying, we get 16 – 7 + 9 = 18.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 109: If ORANGE is coded as 15181275, how is MANGO coded?


A) 13114715

B) 13115147

C) 13171514

D) 13141715

Answer: A) 13114715

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, MANGO is coded as 13(M)-1(A)-14(N)-7(G)-15(O).


Topic: Classification

Question 110: Find the odd one out: Iron, Copper, Gold, Wood


A) Iron

B) Copper

C) Gold

D) Wood

Answer: D) Wood

Explanation: Iron, Copper, and Gold are metals, whereas Wood is an organic material.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 111: In a race, you overtake the second person. What position are you in now?


A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) None of the above

Answer: B) Second

Explanation: If you overtake the second person, you take their place, and therefore you are now in the second position.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 112: All pens are blue. Some blue things are erasers. Can it be concluded that some pens are erasers?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: Even though all pens are blue and some blue things are erasers, there’s no direct link to conclude that some pens are erasers.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 113: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Fish, Goldfish, Sharks?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Goldfish and sharks are both fish, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing fish.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 114: If Tom’s father is John’s son, what is the relationship between Tom and John?


A) Father

B) Son

C) Grandson

D) Grandfather

Answer: D) Grandfather

Explanation: If Tom’s father is John’s son, then John is Tom’s grandfather.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 115: If you start facing north and turn 360 degrees left, then 180 degrees right, in which direction are you facing now?


A) North

B) South

C) East

D) West

Answer: B) South

Explanation: A 360-degree turn brings you back to north, and a subsequent 180-degree turn to the right makes you face south.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 116: What comes next in the series: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ?


A) 48

B) 56

C) 64

D) 72

Answer: C) 64

Explanation: The series is doubling each number. So, the next number after 32 is 32 x 2 = 64.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 117: What is the 6th letter to the right of the 10th letter from the left in the English alphabet?


A) P

B) Q

C) R

D) S

Answer: B) Q

Explanation: The 10th letter from the left is J. The 6th letter to the right of J is Q.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 118: If ‘2’ means ‘+’, ‘3’ means ‘-‘, ‘5’ means ‘×’, and ‘7’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 5 2 7 3 5 2 7?


A) 10

B) 11

C) 12

D) 13

Answer: C) 12

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 5 + 7 – 5 + 7. Simplifying, we get 5 + 1.4 – 5 + 1.4 = 2.8 ≈ 12.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 119: If PHONE is coded as 16-8-15-14-5, how is TABLE coded?


A) 20-1-2-12-5

B) 19-1-2-11-4

C) 21-2-3-13-6

D) 20-2-3-12-6

Answer: A) 20-1-2-12-5

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, TABLE is coded as 20(T)-1(A)-2(B)-12(L)-5(E).


Topic: Classification

Question 120: Find the odd one out: Carrot, Potato, Tomato, Radish


A) Carrot

B) Potato

C) Tomato

D) Radish

Answer: C) Tomato

Explanation: Carrot, Potato, and Radish are root vegetables, whereas Tomato is a fruit.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 121: If three cats catch three mice in three minutes, how many cats are needed to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?


A) 3

B) 33

C) 100

D) 300

Answer: A) 3

Explanation: Since three cats catch three mice in three minutes, the same three cats can catch 100 mice in 100 minutes as the rate of catching is consistent.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 122: All flowers are beautiful. Some beautiful things are fragrant. Is it correct to say some flowers are fragrant?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: Even though all flowers are beautiful and some beautiful things are fragrant, there’s no direct information to conclude that some flowers are fragrant.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 123: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Humans, Doctors, Athletes?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Three intersecting circles

Explanation: Doctors and athletes are both subsets of humans, and some doctors can be athletes, hence the intersecting circles.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 124: If Robert is the father of Julia and Julia is the sister of Mike, how is Robert related to Mike?


A) Uncle

B) Brother

C) Father

D) Cousin

Answer: C) Father

Explanation: If Julia is the sister of Mike and Robert is Julia’s father, then Robert is also Mike’s father.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 125: A person starts from point A, walks 4 km to the north, then turns east and walks 3 km. How far is the person from point A?


A) 5 km

B) 6 km

C) 7 km

D) 8 km

Answer: A) 5 km

Explanation: The person’s final position from point A forms a right-angled triangle with sides of 4 km and 3 km. The distance from A is the hypotenuse, which is √(4² + 3²) = 5 km.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 126: What comes next in the series: 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, ?


A) 720

B) 600

C) 480

D) 360

Answer: A) 720

Explanation: The series is a factorial sequence: 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!, 5!. The next number is 6!, which is 720.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 127: Which letter is exactly halfway between D and M in the English alphabet?


A) G

B) H

C) I

D) J

Answer: B) H

Explanation: D is the 4th letter, and M is the 13th. The halfway point is the 8.5th letter, which rounds down to the 8th letter, H.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 128: If ‘9’ means ‘+’, ‘4’ means ‘-‘, ‘3’ means ‘×’, and ‘8’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 3 9 8 4 3 9 8?


A) 8

B) 9

C) 10

D) 11

Answer: D) 11

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 3 + 8 – 3 + 8. Simplifying, we get 3 + 1 – 3 + 1 = 2 ≈ 11.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 129: If CHAIR is coded as 38198, how is TABLE coded?


A) 201215

B) 2012152

C) 202152

D) 200125

Answer: C) 202152

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s numerical position in the alphabet doubled. Thus, TABLE is coded as 20(T)×2-1(A)×2-2(B)×2-12(L)×2-5(E)×2.


Topic: Classification

Question 130: Find the odd one out: Wolf, Lion, Tiger, Elephant


A) Wolf

B) Lion

C) Tiger

D) Elephant

Answer: D) Elephant

Explanation: Wolf, Lion, and Tiger are carnivorous animals, whereas Elephant is a herbivore.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 131: A clock strikes once at 1 o’clock, twice at 2 o’clock, and so on. How many times will it strike in 24 hours?


A) 78

B) 136

C) 156

D) 168

Answer: C) 156

Explanation: The clock strikes 1+2+3+…+12 times in 12 hours. This sum (1 to 12) is 78. In 24 hours, it will strike 78 x 2 = 156 times.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 132: No birds are dogs. All dogs are mammals. Can it be concluded that no birds are mammals?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: Even though no birds are dogs and all dogs are mammals, it cannot be concluded that no birds are mammals. Birds could still be mammals independently of their relation to dogs.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 133: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Plants, Trees, Flowers?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Trees and flowers are both plants, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing plants.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 134: If A is B’s sister and C is B’s mother, how is A related to C?


A) Daughter

B) Sister

C) Aunt

D) Cousin

Answer: A) Daughter

Explanation: If A is B’s sister and C is B’s mother, then A is also C’s daughter.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 135: Jane walks 10 meters south, then turns west and walks 5 meters. She then turns north and walks 10 meters. Where is she now in relation to her starting point?


A) 5 meters west

B) 5 meters east

C) At the starting point

D) 10 meters north

Answer: A) 5 meters west

Explanation: Jane ends up 5 meters to the west of her starting point after the described movements.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 136: What comes next in the series: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ?


A) 36

B) 49

C) 64

D) 81

Answer: A) 36

Explanation: The series represents the squares of consecutive numbers: 1², 2², 3², 4², 5². The next number is 6², which is 36.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 137: If E is coded as 5 and T as 20, what is H coded as?


A) 6

B) 7

C) 8

D) 9

Answer: C) 8

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, H is coded as 8.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 138: If ‘6’ means ‘+’, ‘3’ means ‘-‘, ‘4’ means ‘×’, and ‘2’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 4 6 2 3 4 6 2?


A) 6

B) 8

C) 10

D) 12

Answer: B) 8

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 4 + 2 – 4 + 2. Simplifying, we get 4 + 1 – 4 + 1 = 2 ≈ 8.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 139: If LEFT is coded as 125620, how is RIGHT coded?


A) 1897208

B) 1887208

C) 1897209

D) 1887209

Answer: A) 1897208

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet multiplied by two. Thus, RIGHT is coded as 18(R)×2-9(I)×2-7(G)×2-8(H)×2-20(T)×2.


Topic: Classification

Question 140: Find the odd one out: Hammer, Screwdriver, Wrench, Drill


A) Hammer

B) Screwdriver

C) Wrench

D) Drill

Answer: D) Drill

Explanation: Hammer, Screwdriver, and Wrench are hand tools, whereas a Drill is typically a power tool.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 141: If you have only one match and you entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some newspaper, and some kindling wood, which would you light first?


A) The oil lamp

B) The newspaper

C) The kindling wood

D) The match

Answer: D) The match

Explanation: You would need to light the match first before you can use it to light anything else in the room.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 142: Some books are red. All red things are colorful. Can it be concluded that some books are colorful?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since some books are red and all red things are colorful, it logically follows that some books are colorful.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 143: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Athletes, Runners, Swimmers?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Three intersecting circles

Explanation: Athletes can be both runners and swimmers, and some runners and swimmers are also athletes, hence the intersecting circles.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 144: If Peter’s son is John’s son’s father, how is Peter related to John?


A) Brother

B) Father

C) Grandfather

D) Uncle

Answer: C) Grandfather

Explanation: If Peter’s son is John’s son’s father, Peter is John’s grandfather.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 145: If a man walks 7 km south and then turns east and walks 5 km, how far is he from his starting point?


A) 7 km

B) 8.6 km

C) 12 km

D) 5 km

Answer: B) 8.6 km

Explanation: The man’s final position from the starting point forms a right-angled triangle. The distance is the hypotenuse, which is √(7² + 5²) ≈ 8.6 km.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 146: What comes next in the series: 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, ?


A) 48

B) 49

C) 50

D) 52

Answer: A) 48

Explanation: The series increases by successive odd numbers: 5, 7, 9, 11. The next increment is 13, so the next number is 35 + 13 = 48.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 147: If A is coded as 1 and Z as 26, what is Y coded as?


A) 24

B) 25

C) 26

D) 27

Answer: B) 25

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, Y is coded as 25.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 148: If ‘2’ means ‘+’, ‘5’ means ‘-‘, ‘7’ means ‘×’, and ‘8’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 7 2 8 5 7 2 8?


A) 6

B) 7

C) 8

D) 9

Answer: C) 8

Explanation: Replacing the symbols, the equation becomes 7 + 8 – 7 + 8. Simplifying, we get 7 + 1 – 7 + 1 = 2 ≈ 8.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 149: If GARDEN is coded as 7141945, how is FLOWER coded?


A) 61215235

B) 612152518

C) 612153518

D) 61215185

Answer: A) 61215235

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, FLOWER is coded as 6(F)-12(L)-15(O)-23(W)-5(E)-18(R).


Topic: Classification

Question 150: Find the odd one out: Banana, Orange, Apple, Carrot


A) Banana

B) Orange

C) Apple

D) Carrot

Answer: D) Carrot

Explanation: Banana, Orange, and Apple are fruits, whereas Carrot is a vegetable.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 151: What is the next number in the sequence: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ?


A) 13

B) 15

C) 17

D) 19

Answer: A) 13

Explanation: The sequence consists of prime numbers. The next prime number after 11 is 13.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 152: All roses are flowers. Some flowers fade quickly. Can it be concluded that some roses fade quickly?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: Even though all roses are flowers, and some flowers fade quickly, there’s no direct information to conclude that some roses fade quickly.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 153: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Women, Mothers, Engineers?


A) Three intersecting circles

B) Two circles inside one large circle

C) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Three intersecting circles

Explanation: Some women are mothers, some mothers are engineers, and some women are engineers. They can belong to more than one category, hence the intersecting circles.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 154: If Eliza’s daughter is Maria’s mother, how is Eliza related to Maria?


A) Mother

B) Sister

C) Grandmother

D) Aunt

Answer: C) Grandmother

Explanation: If Eliza’s daughter is Maria’s mother, then Eliza is Maria’s grandmother.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 155: Sarah walks 10 meters east, turns left and walks 5 meters, then turns right and walks another 10 meters. How far is she from her starting point?


A) 5 meters

B) 10 meters

C) 15 meters

D) 20 meters

Answer: D) 20 meters

Explanation: After the series of movements, Sarah ends up 20 meters to the east of her starting point.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 156: What comes next in the series: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ?


A) 45

B) 49

C) 52

D) 64

Answer: B) 49

Explanation: The series represents the squares of consecutive numbers: 1², 2², 3², 4², 5², 6². The next number is 7², which is 49.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 157: If ‘C’ is coded as ‘3’ and ‘O’ as ’15’, what is ‘R’ coded as?


A) 16

B) 17

C) 18

D) 19

Answer: C) 18

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, ‘R’ is coded as 18.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 158: If ‘4’ means ‘+’, ‘3’ means ‘-‘, ‘9’ means ‘×’, and ‘7’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 9 4 7 3 9 4 7?


A) 12

B) 13

C) 14

D) 15

Answer: B) 13

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 9 + 7 – 9 + 7. Simplifying, we get 9 + 1 – 9 + 1 = 2 ≈ 13.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 159: If STREAM is coded as 19205113, how is BRAIN coded?


A) 2189914

B) 2181914

C) 2191814

D) 291819

Answer: A) 2189914

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet doubled. Thus, BRAIN is coded as 2(B)×2-18(R)×2-1(A)×2-9(I)×2-14(N)×2.


Topic: Classification

Question 160: Find the odd one out: Eagle, Sparrow, Pigeon, Shark


A) Eagle

B) Sparrow

C) Pigeon

D) Shark

Answer: D) Shark

Explanation: Eagle, Sparrow, and Pigeon are birds, whereas Shark is a fish.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 161: If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?


A) A party

B) A group

C) 9

D) Too many

Answer: C) 9

Explanation: This is a play on words. While “two’s company and three’s a crowd” is an idiom, numerically, four and five add up to nine.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 162: All apples are fruits. All fruits are sweet. Are all apples sweet?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since all apples are fruits and all fruits are sweet, it logically follows that all apples are sweet.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 163: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Clothes, Shirts, Jeans?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Shirts and Jeans are both types of Clothes, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing Clothes.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 164: If John’s mother is Tom’s mother’s daughter, how is Tom related to John?


A) Brother

B) Uncle

C) Cousin

D) Father

Answer: D) Father

Explanation: If John’s mother is Tom’s mother’s daughter, Tom is John’s father.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 165: After walking 6 km, David turns left and walks 4 km. He then turns left again and walks 6 km. How far is he from the starting point?


A) 4 km

B) 6 km

C) 10 km

D) 16 km

Answer: A) 4 km

Explanation: David ends up 4 km to the west of his starting point after the described movements.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 166: What comes next in the series: 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, ?


A) 42

B) 40

C) 50

D) 60

Answer: A) 42

Explanation: The series is formed by adding consecutive even numbers (4, 6, 8, 10, 12…). The next number is 30 + 12 = 42.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 167: If ‘F’ is coded as ‘6’ and ‘S’ as ’19’, what is ‘U’ coded as?


A) 20

B) 21

C) 22

D) 23

Answer: B) 21

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, ‘U’ is coded as 21.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 168: If ‘7’ means ‘+’, ‘2’ means ‘-‘, ‘6’ means ‘×’, and ‘3’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 6 7 3 2 6 7 3?


A) 25

B) 26

C) 27

D) 28

Answer: C) 27

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 6 + 3 – 6 + 3. Simplifying, we get 6 + 1 – 6 + 1 = 2 ≈ 27.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 169: If QUIET is coded as 17-21-9-5-20, how is NOISE coded?


A) 14-15-9-19-5

B) 13-14-8-18-4

C) 15-14-10-20-6

D) 14-16-10-19-6

Answer: A) 14-15-9-19-5

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, NOISE is coded as 14(N)-15(O)-9(I)-19(S)-5(E).


Topic: Classification

Question 170: Find the odd one out: Sunflower, Rose, Tulip, Cactus


A) Sunflower

B) Rose

C) Tulip

D) Cactus

Answer: D) Cactus

Explanation: Sunflower, Rose, and Tulip are flowering plants, whereas Cactus, though it can bear flowers, is primarily known for its spiky appearance and is a succulent.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 171: You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?


A) The boat is underwater

B) The people are hiding

C) The people are swimming

D) They were all married

Answer: D) They were all married

Explanation: The wordplay in the question suggests that you don’t see a ‘single’ person because they were all married, not because the boat is empty.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 172: No pens are pencils. All markers are pens. Can it be concluded that no markers are pencils?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Since no pens are pencils and all markers are pens, it logically follows that no markers are pencils.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 173: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Vegetables, Carrots, Potatoes?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Carrots and Potatoes are both Vegetables, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing Vegetables.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 174: If Paul’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, what is my relationship to Paul?


A) Brother

B) Father

C) Son-in-law

D) Grandfather

Answer: C) Son-in-law

Explanation: If Paul’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, then I am married to Paul’s daughter, making me Paul’s son-in-law.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 175: A traveler goes 5 km north, then turns east and goes 8 km. How far is the traveler from the starting point?


A) 5 km

B) 8 km

C) 9.4 km

D) 13 km

Answer: C) 9.4 km

Explanation: The traveler’s final position forms a right-angled triangle with the starting point. The distance from the starting point is the hypotenuse, which is √(5² + 8²) ≈ 9.4 km.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 176: What comes next in the series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ?


A) 11

B) 13

C) 15

D) 17

Answer: B) 13

Explanation: The series follows the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. The next number is 5 + 8 = 13.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 177: If ‘B’ is coded as ‘2’ and ‘V’ as ’22’, what is ‘M’ coded as?


A) 12

B) 13

C) 14

D) 15

Answer: B) 13

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, ‘M’ is coded as 13.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 178: If ‘3’ means ‘+’, ‘8’ means ‘-‘, ‘5’ means ‘×’, and ‘2’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 5 3 2 8 5 3 2?


A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

Answer: B) 4

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 5 + 2 – 5 + 2. Simplifying, we get 5 + 1 – 5 + 1 = 2 ≈ 4.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 179: If CHOCOLATE is coded as 381715315205, how is BISCUIT coded?


A) 291919321209

B) 291819321209

C) 291918321209

D) 291819312209

Answer: A) 291919321209

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet doubled. Thus, BISCUIT is coded as 2(B)×2-9(I)×2-19(S)×2-3(C)×2-21(U)×2-9(I)×2-20(T)×2.


Topic: Classification

Question 180: Find the odd one out: Dolphin, Whale, Shark, Salmon


A) Dolphin

B) Whale

C) Shark

D) Salmon

Answer: C) Shark

Explanation: Dolphin, Whale, and Salmon are all mammals, whereas Shark is a fish.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 181: What goes up and down but always remains in the same place?


A) A staircase

B) A hill

C) A tree

D) A building

Answer: A) A staircase

Explanation: A staircase allows movement up and down but it itself always remains in the same place.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 182: All stars are bright. Some bright objects are planets. Are some stars planets?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: C) Cannot be determined

Explanation: Even though all stars are bright and some bright objects are planets, there’s no direct information to conclude that some stars are planets.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 183: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Fish, Salmon, Trout?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Salmon and Trout are both types of Fish, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing Fish.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 184: If Anne’s brother is John’s son, what is Anne’s relationship to John?


A) Sister

B) Aunt

C) Mother

D) Cousin

Answer: B) Aunt

Explanation: If Anne’s brother is John’s son, then Anne is John’s aunt.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 185: After walking 10 km towards the south, Mark turns left and walks 5 km. He then turns right and walks 10 km. In which direction is he from the starting point?


A) East

B) West

C) North

D) South

Answer: B) West

Explanation: Mark ends up west of his starting point after the described movements.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 186: What comes next in the series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ?


A) 20

B) 21

C) 22

D) 23

Answer: B) 21

Explanation: The series is the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. The next number is 13 + 8 = 21.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 187: If ‘D’ is coded as ‘4’ and ‘W’ as ’23’, what is ‘P’ coded as?


A) 14

B) 15

C) 16

D) 17

Answer: C) 16

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, ‘P’ is coded as 16.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 188: If ‘2’ means ‘+’, ‘9’ means ‘-‘, ‘4’ means ‘×’, and ‘5’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 4 2 5 9 4 2 5?


A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

Answer: B) 4

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 4 + 5 – 4 + 5. Simplifying, we get 4 + 1 – 4 + 1 = 2 ≈ 4.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 189: If RADIO is coded as 18-1-4-9-15, how is SOUND coded?


A) 19-15-21-14-4

B) 20-16-22-15-5

C) 19-16-22-15-5

D) 20-15-21-14-4

Answer: A) 19-15-21-14-4

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, SOUND is coded as 19(S)-15(O)-21(U)-14(N)-4(D).


Topic: Classification

Question 190: Find the odd one out: Cedar, Pine, Birch, Rose


A) Cedar

B) Pine

C) Birch

D) Rose

Answer: D) Rose

Explanation: Cedar, Pine, and Birch are types of trees, whereas Rose is a type of flower.


Topic: Puzzles

Question 191: What has keys but can’t open locks?


A) A map

B) A piano

C) A book

D) A computer

Answer: B) A piano

Explanation: A piano has keys (musical keys) but it cannot open locks.


Topic: Syllogism

Question 192: All birds can fly. Some flying creatures are insects. Can it be concluded that some birds are insects?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Cannot be determined

D) None of the above

Answer: B) No

Explanation: The fact that all birds can fly and some flying creatures are insects does not imply that some birds are insects. Birds and insects are distinct categories.


Topic: Logical Venn Diagrams

Question 193: Which Venn diagram best represents the relationship among: Mammals, Dogs, Cats?


A) Two circles inside one large circle

B) One circle inside another with an overlapping third circle

C) Three intersecting circles

D) Three separate circles

Answer: A) Two circles inside one large circle

Explanation: Dogs and Cats are both Mammals, so their circles should be within the larger circle representing Mammals.


Topic: Blood Relations

Question 194: If Tom’s father is John’s father’s son, what is Tom’s relationship to John?


A) Brother

B) Son

C) Nephew

D) Cousin

Answer: B) Son

Explanation: If Tom’s father is John’s father’s son, then Tom is John’s son.


Topic: Direction Sense Test

Question 195: James starts from his house, walks 20 meters south, then turns left and walks 15 meters. Where is he now with respect to his starting point?


A) 15 meters east

B) 15 meters west

C) 20 meters east

D) 20 meters west

Answer: B) 15 meters west

Explanation: James ends up 15 meters to the west of his starting point.


Topic: Series Completion

Question 196: What comes next in the series: 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ?


A) 20

B) 22

C) 23

D) 26

Answer: B) 22

Explanation: The series increases by successive odd numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5. The next increment is 6, so the next number is 16 + 6 = 22.


Topic: Alphabet Test

Question 197: If ‘J’ is coded as ’10’ and ‘O’ as ’15’, what is ‘T’ coded as?


A) 19

B) 20

C) 21

D) 22

Answer: B) 20

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, ‘T’ is coded as 20.


Topic: Mathematical Operations

Question 198: If ‘6’ means ‘+’, ‘1’ means ‘-‘, ‘8’ means ‘×’, and ‘3’ means ‘÷’, what is the value of 8 6 3 1 8 6 3?


A) 9

B) 10

C) 11

D) 12

Answer: A) 9

Explanation: Changing the symbols, the equation becomes 8 + 3 – 8 + 3. Simplifying, we get 8 + 1 – 8 + 1 = 2 ≈ 9.


Topic: Coding-Decoding

Question 199: If PEACH is coded as 16-5-1-3-8, how is GRAPE coded?


A) 7-18-1-16-5

B) 8-17-2-15-6

C) 7-18-2-15-6

D) 6-17-1-16-4

Answer: A) 7-18-1-16-5

Explanation: The code represents each letter’s position in the alphabet. Thus, GRAPE is coded as 7(G)-18(R)-1(A)-16(P)-5(E).


Topic: Classification

Question 200: Find the odd one out: Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Elephant


A) Lion

B) Tiger

C) Leopard

D) Elephant

Answer: D) Elephant

Explanation: Lion, Tiger, and Leopard are big cats (felines), whereas Elephant is not a feline.


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